< Blog HomeKollaborate Server 3.6.2 - batch export comments and captions, download frame as image, and more
We've just released Kollaborate Server 3.6.2, a minor update to our self-hosted file sharing and workflow management system.

The main features in this update are batch exporting of comments and captions, downloading of the current playback frame as an image, the option to import folder structures from an existing project when creating a new one, the option to search for a file by its age, and various user interface improvements.
Server-Specific Changes
- Added LimitRequestBody to .htaccess file for compatibility with recent versions of Apache
- Fixed an issue where avatars could not be uploaded
- Admin - Workflows - Fixed an issue where file workflows may not be editable
- Admin - Roles - Fixed a crash when deleting a role
Other Changes
- Comments - New comment design that is more space-efficient on narrower screens
- Files - Support for batch exporting captions and comments
- Player - Allow downloading the current frame as an image
- Projects - Added the ability to import folder structures from an existing project when creating a new one
- Advanced Search - Add option to search by age in days
- Preview - Remember previous volume setting for quick look previews
- Share - Added 21 day expiration option
- Metadata - Add extra frame rates to list on Edit Metadata page
- Transcript - Made caption overlap checking less strict
- Player - Show Actions button on mobile
- Player - Prompt before deleting comment annotations and attachments
- UI - Better support for popups on mobile screens
- Player - Comments and transcripts are no longer refreshed when the browser tab is not visible
- Files - Limit number of emails sent when a batch of files is moved at once
- Files - Prevent text box clicks from navigating to files/ folders when renaming
- Files - Prevent the rename textbox from appearing multiple times if the file is already being renamed
- Player - Improved the accuracy of timecode shown when hovering above play bar
- Captions - Fixed an issue where Premiere couldn't import SRTs and improved caption timing accuracy in general
- Comments - Fixed an issue where the first Davinci Resolve marker wouldn't be imported
- Download Folder - Fixed an issue preventing link recipients from downloading folders
- Files - Better logic for detecting the correct frame rate of a video if multiple frame rates are returned
- Files - Fixed an issue where renaming a version in a version stack would not reload the file correctly
- Files - Fixed an issue where a numeric filename like "1.20" could be shortened to "1.2"
- Player - Fixed a crash if reviewers are not accessible
- Player - Fixed a crash if user tries to view a file after the project has been deleted
- Adobe Panel - Various bug fixes and changes to how information is displayed
- UI - Various minor interface tweaks
- Various small bug fixes, optimizations and code modernizations
Kollaborate is an essential cloud workflow platform that allows you to share files with clients and team members while integrating with Digital Rebellion apps and services. Kollaborate Server allows you to host the platform in-house on your own servers and storage. To find out more, see the Kollaborate Server overview or register for the free cloud trial (Server trials are available on request).
Posted by Jon Chappell on Mar 20 2023 to
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