(818) 308-4607 Los Angeles, CA
Due to a change in Apache 2.4.54 and higher, the maximum upload file size on Kollaborate Server might be overriden. To fix this, edit the .htaccess file located in the html directory and add the line LimitRequestBody [size], where [size] is the maximum upload file size in bytes. To set this to 20 GB, for example, you would use the value 21474836480. Then save the file.
Note that on macOS, files beginning with a dot are hidden by default. To show hidden files press Command + Shift + . (the last character is a dot / period / full stop).
Kollaborate Server does not need to be restarted after making this change; it should happen instantly.
This issue only affects self-hosted installations running Apache 2.4.54 or higher. It does not affect the cloud version of Kollaborate. This line will be automatically added to the .htaccess file in future updates.